Thursday 28 October 2010

In Limbo

So I suppose the purpose of this blog is to vocalise my experiences of being in the situation that im sure a lot of people are in at the moment, waiting after University to move on to that job that you want, or to go and study something else. I suppose some of us are fortunate enough to have instant gratification, moving on immediately into that job, Masters degree or another calling. Others decide that their aim is outside the graduate sphere and will go and fulfil that however they see fit. Myself, I am slightly in limbo, having agreed to work for a company yet waiting a year before I start the final stages of education before I assume my position.
This is a fortuitous position to be in, I know, yet somehow it has left me in a complete state of confusion. Rather than cherishing the free time, I find myself slightly bored and without a real focus. Having been in education for 16 years without a break, followed by a summer contract, suddenly I do not even find myself required to read a chapter of a textbook to function.
For the immediate 3 days following my temporary retirement from full time employment/education, i followed the standard procedure of diving into a world of computer games, lie-ins and junk food with DVDs, and trying to see as many of your mates as possible. Yet as I'm sure many of you know, this gets pretty tired very quickly when you live somewhere that considers someone sleeping on a bench an outrage and worthy village gossip. Clearly they've never met a student, having had friends who have slept half naked with a packet of chips outside Debenhams after a night out, I consider a bench a pretty comfortable place to rest yourself. After those few days had passed, and I had put down the TV remote, I found myself entertaining the craziest of ideas to give myself a project, something to achieve, which has been my general mode of function throughout my education. It is one of the strangest feelings to be aware that this is not a holiday in the classic sense, you are actually out in the real world, but without the need to find a career.
Thus I began my perilous decline into madness by removing the doors or my wardrobe with a screwdriver (taking a lead from my girlfriend's room expansion), and being quite proud of myself when i dumped the freshly removed doors in the hall, only to find that the sense of achievement at room expansion (Stage 1) is short lived. partially when you realise you aren't quite sure how to remove a plasterboard fitted wardrobe with the set of tools and undersized hammer you were bought when you were 11, and also by the spoken threat by a shocked and confused parent that if you dismantle any more of their house without paying a professional to do it, they will make sure that screwdriver never sees the light of day again.
So, with my internal Kevin mcCloud suitably repressed, I settled back in to my collection of DVD's searching for inspiration. Currently im considering building a flying metal suit with a pompous computer built in, or learning to fly a jet, wearing aviators and annoying Russians by taking photographs of them upside-down. Back to the drawing board then...

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