Thursday 28 October 2010

Morning Excitement and Mechanic Clichés

Admittedly, this is almost immediately after I posted my original blog, but today actually yielded some food for thought, despite promising to be a pretty flat day.
So I began the day in the normal way, rolling and grunting, lashing out wildly towards my alarm clock until it stopped beeping, followed by a spell in the shower and a couple of near death experiences relating to a rogue bar of soap.
After finally leaving the house, I started my drive to my job, encountering the normal combination of morning shoppers, and learners who let their mothers book their lessons for them, as no 17 year old in their right mind even opens the curtains before 11am in half term. So after navigating my way through the madness and half asleep teenagers, I drove onto the motorway, only to experience what i assume is the car equivilant of the morning after a vindaloo and 8 pints of Cobra. So with white smoke pouring out of the back of my battered car, I pulled over to the side of the motorway, and started my wait for the roadside assistance by prick spotting. 4 in total, all on bluetooth headsets. Seriously kids, you arent 1. Maverick, 2. an extra in Star Trek, or 3, closing a sale in Japan for a multi-milion pound electronics deal, so why not wait until you actually get to work before you start pretending?
Once that got old, i decided to try and be useful and pop the hood and let the engine cool off, and attempt some amateur assessment of the damage. Bearing in mind the closest i've ever actually been to doing mechanical work was opening the bonnet of the car to allow my friend to pose on it, covered in charcoal and baby oil for his friend's cliché birthday calender. Yes it was weird and no, i didn't really want to drive the car afterwards. So once i'd reached the limits of my knowledge (only removing caps that had labels on them) I let the professionals take over.
The whole experience did start the germ of an idea though, maybe i could turn my hand to some amateur mechanics, the only issue being that any advice on the internet relating to golfs is where you can find a bodykit and huge alloys to further highlight the fact you're driving something you wish was a little bit more expensive. Maybe i'll actually visit a library for the first time the 3 years.

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